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تم إضافة الكتاب إلى الرف الخاص بك!
عرض الكتب الموجودة على الرف الخاص بك .
وجه الفتاة! هناك خطأ ما.
وجه الفتاة! هناك خطأ ما.
أثناء محاولة إضافة العنوان إلى الرف ، حدث خطأ ما :( يرجى إعادة المحاولة لاحقًا!
هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد إزالة الكتاب من الرف؟
وجه الفتاة! هناك خطأ ما.
وجه الفتاة! هناك خطأ ما.
أثناء محاولة إزالة العنوان من الرف ، حدث خطأ ما :( يرجى إعادة المحاولة لاحقًا!
    إعادة تعيين
  • الضبط
      امسح الكل
  • مُحَكَّمة
      امسح الكل
  • السلسلة
      امسح الكل
  • مستوى القراءة
      مستوى القراءة
      امسح الكل
      مستوى القراءة
  • السنة
      امسح الكل
  • المزيد من المرشحات
      المزيد من المرشحات
      امسح الكل
      المزيد من المرشحات
      نوع المحتوى
    • نوع العنصر
    • لديه النص الكامل
    • الموضوع
    • الناشر
    • المصدر
    • المُهدي
    • اللغة
    • مكان النشر
    • المؤلفين
    • الموقع
5 نتائج ل "Lawhorne-Scott, Cheryl, 1968-"
صنف حسب:
The Wounded Warrior Handbook
The updated second edition of this popular resource guide has been revised to include the latest resources and outlets reflecting policies, additional benefits, updated procedures, and changes to insurance, including traumatic injury insurance and social security disability insurance.
Combat-related traumatic brain injury and PTSD
As more veterans return from deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, more are needing care for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and combat-related traumatic brain injuries (TBI). While there are several treatment and recovery options, outlets for support, and other resources, understanding and gaining access to them is often difficult or confusing. In Combat-Related Traumatic Brain Injury and PTSD: A Resource and Recovery Guide, authors Cheryl Lawhorne and Don Philpott offer guidance for returning veterans, from treatment options, to diagnostic criteria and techniques, to resources for rehabilitation and support. The authors begin discussions of TBI and PTSD by offering definitions of each, outlining the risk factors, and exploring the relationship between the two. They then move on to provide explanations of diagnostic criteria, treatment options, prevention techniques, and barriers to seeking care. Sections on the important role that insurance and health care plays, and on the support of family and friends, round out this useful and accessible volume. This is an essential guide for returning veterans, their families, and all who work with veterans suffering from PTSD and TBI.
Sexual assault in the military
Sexual assault and harassment in the military have been a critical subject for years. Many victims may be reluctant to press charges because of fear of retaliation, damage to their careers, and widespread uncertainty regarding the military justice system. However, when circumstances arise, there are resources available to assist victims and families in their efforts to report, seek help, and recover from the effects of sexual assault. Yet, finding those resources can be challenging, especially in a time of crisis. Sexual Assault in the Military serves as an easy-to-use, comprehensive reference guide for military members and their families about sexual assault and harassment. While more and more attention focuses on getting victims to report their abuse, accessing information can still be difficult for service-members. Understanding that the military is making changes, and offering support is a necessary step towards how best to treat these cases and how to get help and justice. Cheryl Lawhorne-Scott and Don Philpott discuss the current state of affairs, the systems in place, and the supports available to victims and families. They provide documents that outline how reporting can and should take place, how cases should be handled through the military justice system, and how and where victims can access resources, including counseling. By providing this information in one ready resource, the authors hope to assist in changing the culture of silence and fear, as well as provide education surrounding military sexual assault and harassment.